Low-speed multi-pole permanent magnet wind generator (Fig. 1)


Due to the limitations on the development of nuclear power, especially in European countries is constantly growing cost of electricity. In connection with this rapidly growing demand for alternative sources of electrical energy (solar, wind, biofuels). Also promote "green tariffs" imposed on the purchase of energy produced by alternative sources. Wind power is one of the most easy to implement directions. Population, small firms set "windmills" capacity 3 - 15 kW.


The most important part is the generator of wind power, the price of which is usually 50-70% of the cost of installation and is 1.5 - 2 thousand dollars for a 1 kW generator.


Capacity for 3 - 15 kW most widely synchronous generators with permanent neodymium magnets. This is due to the following:

- A significant reduction in size, weight, energy losses in the generator. A much more simple design.

- Due to the low speed wind turbines 15-250 rev / min are required multipole design of synchronous generators that also much easier to perform using permanent magnets.

Given the wide range of speed and power generators: 3, 5, 7, 9, 12,15 kW to produce a number of generators with multiple features.

The most rational organization of production based on industrial series of induction motors: 4AM, AIR, 5AM Enclosed with the degree of protection IP55, IP56. May be used: the stator frame with the yoke, without winding end shields bearings, shaft. We design and manufacture the winding drum and rotor with permanent magnets. Such an approach will produce generators (and motors, by the way, too) to the specified number of poles ranges from 20 to 100, with good power characteristics and low cost.

            Specially developed a simple technique allows to make permanent magnet rotor magnet of a rectangular shape. It also provides secure fastening of the magnets on the rotor surface.

In addition to reduce the cost of such modifications can be made generators for various power and performance in the degree of protection and fastening thanks to wide range of the asynchronous motor with rotor k.z and their relatively low cost. Another important factor is the ease of maintenance of such generators (Fast, bearings).




                                                                                                           Figure 2

        A granular joint development and production of generators of this type of equipment, and based on them. For more information and to their proposals to goto contacts

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